Ep. 4    One Moment More

Angel the Series - Virtual Season 6

Authors: Carla & Spikes Red Queen

Pairing(s): Multiple

Rating: Up to R

Summary: Even death can’t keep two from being reunited, and it can’t stop friendships from being born…

Spoilers: All of the Seasons ever aired.

Disclaimer: All characters and excerpts belong to Joss Whedon, FOX, Mutant Enemy, WB, and UPN. We make no profit from these stories and only write for pleasure. Please don't sue! We have nothing!

Author(s) Note(s): This can also be found at: http://angels6.tk/

Distribution: Redssoulmates, WillowsLilSecret, NearHerAlways, ShadesOfGrey, TheBatPack2, FanFiction.net, Poetry-in-Motion, Spikewillfic and SpikesRedFanFic.  All others please ask permission.


Illyria stared at her reflection in the window.  Placing her hand on the cool window she traced the outline.

“When are you going to tell someone?”  A voice said.  Illyria closed her eyes to the sound of the voice as she removed her hand slowly away from the window.

“You are no longer of this plane.”  Illyria said quietly as she squeezed her eyes tight.

“I am as real as you are.”  The voice said.

Opening her eyes again, saw that the reflection was still the same, still staring back at her.  Slowly she took a step back and raised her arm to punch the window.  Mid-swing, Illyria turned to the muffled sound of stomping that was coming from the other side of the door.  Tilting her head to the side she quickly but cautiously made her way to the sound.  Turning the knob, she pulled the door open, just in time to see Angel tackling Spike to the ground inches from her feet.

“Bloody freakin’ hell!”  Spike grumbled as Angel landed on top of him, trying to pry the camera from his hands.

“Hey!” Andrew yelled as he came running out of the room, making Illyria turn her head sharply in his direction.  “That’s my camera, be care…ful!”  Andrew slowed to a stop as he noticed Illyria standing above Angel and Spike.

“Hi.”  Andrew waved nervously then awkwardly crossed his arms.

“You are familiar.”  Illyria responded as she studied Andrew.  Andrew smiled and dropped his arms and placed them on his hips.

“Oh, well, yeah that’s not surprising.”  He said trying to play it cool.  “I was in a group called the Trio.  We were evil, maybe you heard of us?”  Andrew asked.  Illyria said nothing and took a step towards Andrew, ignoring the scuffling between the vampires in the background.  Andrew’s mouth gapped open as Illyria shifted to Fred’s form and back again before his eyes.

“That was so cool.”  Andrew said in awe.  “How did you do that, Fred?”  Illyria tensed at the question and backed up against the wall, looking over Andrew’s head.

“Her name is Illyria.”  Willow said coming out of the room with Dawn and Faith at her heels.  “Fred is gone.”

“No.  That information is incorrect.”  Illyria said before reverting back to Fred’s form again.  Shaking her head, she quickly reverted back to herself.  Willow’s eyes widened at what she thought she heard, but quickly pushed it to the back of her mind.  Dawn looked around Willow to see who she was talking to.  Moving forward she locked eyes with Illyria.

“I know you don’t I?”  Dawn asked Illyria.  Illyria moved from the wall and stood in front of Dawn and nodded.

“You are the Key.  You have changed since I last saw you.”  Illyria said sizing Dawn up.  Dawn frowned.

“What the hell!  Does everyone know about me?!”  Dawn said under Illyria’s gaze.  “And what do you mean since you last saw me?”  Illyria stood extremely still and looked directly into Dawn’s eyes.  Dawn’s eyes widened.  She remembered her.  Everything came at her slowly like a movie.  But it wasn’t a movie it was her past.  Her past as the energy everyone spoke of, moving fluently through out time.  Illyria closed her eyes to shut off the images she projected towards Dawn.  Dawn closed her eyes and shook her head to clear out some of the cobwebs.

“Do you remember me?”  Illyria asked walking closer to Dawn.  Dawn nodded slowly with tears in her eyes.

“It was unjust what they did to you.  I tried to fight it, but they would not allow it.  I tried to get to you.”  Dawn said as a tear ran down her cheek.  Illyria reached out and pushed away the fallen tear.

“The emotion you feel, I felt it when they sent me into Deeper Well.  Were you in attendance?”  Illyria asked.  Dawn nodded at her.  Everyone grew quiet as the two interacted with one another.

“I was.  I was then put into this form during the 12th century, long after you were gone.”  Dawn said almost in a whisper.  Illyria titled her head to the side.

“You must go on.  I need rest, as the humans call it.  We will reconvene at another time.”  Illyria said walking back into her room slamming the door.  Everyone flinched.  Willow’s forehead wrinkled as she thought of what had just happened.  Faith went to Dawn and grabbed her by the elbow guiding her around Spike and Angel who still lay on the floor.

“Come on kiddo.  Let’s go get something to drink.”  Faith said to Dawn.  Dawn smiled and allowed Faith to guide her downstairs.  Spike took that as his cue to head bunt Angel, knocking him off of him.  Getting up quickly, Spike went and stood behind Willow.

“Just when you think you’ve seen everything.”  Andrew stated as he stuck out his hand to help Angel up.  Angel took his hand and stood up, rubbing his head as he walked towards Spike.

“Best to stay away Peaches.”  Spike warned, handing over the camcorder to Andrew, secretly tucking the tape inside his duster pocket.  Andrew smiled gratefully, taking the camcorder from Spike and headed downstairs with Faith and Dawn.  Angel glared at Spike.

“This isn’t over boy.  You and me are gonna dance.”  Angel said half joking and half serious.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah.”  Spike said nonchalantly as Angel followed Andrew down stairs.  Willow turned towards Spike not realizing their proximity to one another.

“Spike, you’re bleeding.”  Willow said as she reached up to wipe the blood from his busted lip.  She stopped mid-way as she saw Spike tense.

“Don’t worry about it Luv.  You know a bloke can’t go one day without bleeding.”  Spike said looking past her uncomfortably.  Willow nodded as she looked up at him to get his attention.  When he didn’t look down at her she sighed and walked around him, going to her room and closing the door lightly.  Spike breathed out unnecessarily.  He didn’t think she’d stop staring at him but she finally had.  ‘I need a smoke.’  He thought to himself as he fished around in his duster for his cigarettes.  He found the pack and took one out, lighting it as he walked down the hall and descended the steps.

Willow leaned against her bedroom door heavily and sighed.  She was more tired than she let onto be.  She walked over to the bag on her bed and took out her cell phone and charger that Faith remembered to grab.  She plugged the phone into the wall to let it charge just a bit.  Going back to the bag she pulled out a small mahogany box and opened it.  She smiled as the little redheaded ballerina began to turn to Tchaikovsky.  She smiled fondly in remembrance of when Giles’ gave it to her during her recovery of veiny Willow.


“Willow, come here please.”  Giles said setting two cups of tea onto the table and sitting down.  Willow came in from the adjacent room. Her flip flops sounded against the floor loudly in the flat.   Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail and she wore a white short sleeved shirt and khaki shorts.

“Yes, Giles.”  Willow said with her head cast down.  She looked up at Giles through lowered eyes.  Giles extended his hand out, offering her a seat.

“I’ve made some tea for us.  Please have a seat.  I would like to discuss something with you.”  Giles said with a smile.  Willow looked ready to cry and she ran her hands over one another as she looked at Giles, afraid of what he might have to say.

“Okay.  Before you start, I just want to say thank you for all you’ve done.  I really appreciate you having me here in your home Giles.”  Willow said quickly as she looked down into her tea.  Giles raised his eyes in surprise.  He wasn’t expecting her to say that.

“Willow, you don’t have to thank me.  I would have done it for any of you.”  Giles said placing his tea onto the small saucer.  She nodded in acknowledgement.  Giles knew she didn’t believe him.  “I want to know that I’m with you mentally and emotionally, even when I’m not there physically.  So, I have something for you.”  Giles said as he reached down beside him and placed a small box in the center of the table.  “I would have wrapped it, but I would have done poorly.”  Willow looked up from her tea and across the table at Giles.  He smiled at her as he picked up his tea again.  Willow reached across the table and grabbed the small box carefully.  Opening it slowly, music filled the air.  Willow smiled at Giles as tears filled her green eyes making them shine.

“It’s a music box.”  Willow said with a smile.  Giles nodded.  Willow closed the lid and read the inscription on the silver plate to herself.  ‘For when you need me.’

“My mother gave it to me when I was able to control my magic.  I think you should have it.”  Giles said as he slid a clean handkerchief across the table to her.  Willow placed the music box on the table and took the handkerchief in her hands and dabbed at her tears.  “I had the little ballerina put into it last week.”

Willow nodded at Giles.  “Thank you Giles.  It’s beautiful.”  Willow stood up as did Giles.  She hugged him tight.  Giles hugged her back and whispered into her hair.

“You are more than welcome, my dear.”

~~ End of Flashback~~

Willow placed the music box on the dresser below the mirror and then went over to her cell phone.  She turned on the phone waiting for it to achieve a signal.  When it finally did, she dialed the all too familiar number.  It rang twice before someone answered.


“Hey, Giles.”  Willow said with a smile.  Giles smiled into the phone.

“Yes.  Hello Willow.  I assume you have arrived at your destination?”  Giles asked.

“Yeah, we made it.  We’re in Los Angeles.”  Willow said rather quickly.  She heard Giles sigh heavily over the phone.  She could almost bet he had taken off his glasses and pinched the bridge of his nose.

“You are staying with Angel, am I not correct?”  Giles asked sounding a little agitated.

“Yes.  He needed our help and we needed his.  This is good for us right now.”  Willow said quietly.

“I understand.  Do call if you need anything at all.”  He said.

“I will Giles.  Good night.”  Willow said into the phone.

“Good night dear.”  Giles said hanging up the phone.  Willow hit end on her phone as she heard Giles disconnect.  She stood up and went to the bed, gazing up at the fluffy pillows and admiring the warm comforter.  She decided a nap was long over due.  She’d have to remember not to use so much energy.  She kneeled down onto the bed and collapsed onto the waiting pillows.  She was asleep in a matter of minutes.


“You alright Dawn?”  Faith asked, as she studied Dawn.  Dawn nodded.

“Yeah, I’m fine.  I just never thought I’d meet someone as old as me.  Someone who was able to show me old memories that I never knew I had.”  Dawn said before taking the juice that Faith handed her.

“I bet that was kind of weird.”  Faith said sitting down beside the young girl.  Dawn looked over at Faith about to say something but tensed up.  Faith saw her tension and looked over her shoulder quickly.  Angel and Andrew appeared in her view.  “You okay?”  Faith asked looking back at Dawn.  Dawn nodded.

“I think I’m gonna go lay down for a bit.  I don’t feel too good.”  Dawn said with a half smile standing up.

“Alrighty.  Scream if you need something.”  Faith said taking Dawn’s glass of juice from her and putting it in the sink.  Angel came into the kitchen with Andrew at his heels.

“So, Angel, ever been to a Star Trek Convention?  I mean, I know you’ve been around forever, so you’ve probably gone to one right?  Because there’s one here in California coming up that I’m sure you would like to go to…”  Andrew was saying as Faith glared at him.

“What?”  Andrew asked innocently.

“Andrew, give it up.  There will be no Trekkie Conventions.”  Faith said solidly.  Andrew raised his eyebrows and then frowned.

“Uh huh.  Okay, whatever.”  He said not bothering to fight with her.  “I’m gonna go sleep for awhile.  Angel, is there a possibility that we can go out tonight?”  Andrew asked with a smile.  Angel nodded at the boy.

“Yes, that was on the agenda.  I was thinking about dinner, around six.  We can meet in lobby then.”  Angel said as he went and stood next to Faith by the sink.

“Oh okay.”  Andrew said as he skipped out of the room.  Faith shook her head.

“That boy has issues.”  Angel said laughing a bit.  Faith smiled at him.  “What?”  Angel asked as Faith stared at him.

“It’s nothing.  Just never heard you laugh like that before.”  She said pushing back from the sink and walking into the lobby.  Angel followed behind her.

“Hey, I laugh.  I don’t brood 24/7.”  Angel said.

“Oh bloody hell, someone kill me already.”  Spike said throwing his duster on the couch.  “You brood in your sleep.”

“Shut up Spike!”  Angel yelled.  Faith looked between the two vampires and smiled.  ‘This outta be good.’  She thought to herself.

“Or what, Sire?  What are ya gonna do?”  Spike said sauntering up to Angel getting right in his face.  Angel looked down at the floor.  “That’s what I thought.”  Spike said cockily.  Grinning and turning his back to Angel he started to walk away.  Angel looked over at Faith mischievously.  She could have sworn that was an Angelus look.

“I told you before boy, that we were gonna dance.”  Angel said as he extended his leg out and kicked Spike in the back sending him flying across the room, flying into a near by wall.  “You should know better to turn your back on someone William.”  Angel said walking over to him.  Spike looked up at him in shock.

“Angelus?”  He asked.  Angel shook his head.

“Nope.”  Angel started to smile and took a step back.  Spike jumped up.

“You bastard.  You had me going for a bit.  I thought I might have to actually kill you this time.”  Spike said standing up.  Faith looked at the two.

“Man, I thought I was going to get to see you two have it out.  Oh, well.  I’m gonna go hit the sack for a bit.”  Faith said leaving the two men alone and taking two stairs at a time.

“The chit’s got a point.  I’m gonna go get my beauty rest.”  Spike said to Angel.  Angel nodded at him.

“Alright then.  Be back down by six.  We’re going out to dinner.  I don’t want you to be late either Spike.”  Angel said as Spike headed up the stairs.

“Yeah, whatever Peaches.  You’re the one who takes forever.  I swear you’re worse than the women.”  Spike said on his way up the stairs.  Angel shook his head and headed down into his apartment.

 A few hours later…

Dawn rolled over and groaned.  She looked over at that clock and saw that it read 12:45pm.  She had been asleep for almost three hours.  She closed her eyes again and tried to sit up.  Her body protested and she cried out softly.  Swinging her legs over the edge of the bed she stood up on shaky legs.  She was sweating profusely and could barely breathe.  She took a step forward and fell to her knees.

“Someone help.”  She rasped out.  She couldn’t even call for help.  Her eyes darted around in a panic.  She laid down on her side with her eyes closed and breathed in and out for a few minutes.  Slowly she stretched her body out as the pain lessened.  Raising her arm up to her head she wiped the sweat from her brow.  Opening her eyes she sat up slowly and crawled to the door.  Using the door knob as leverage, she pulled herself up and went out the door.  Leaning onto the wall she made it to the staircase leaving a green trail of sweat along the wallpaper.

Meanwhile next door…

“You can’t ignore me.”  The voice said to Illyria.  Illyria sat huddled in the corner beside the television rocking back and forth.

“You are not of this plane.”  Illyria repeated over and over as she pulled at her hair.

“I will always be here.  I need you to pay attention.  Ask what you hear in your heart.”  The voice commanded to her.  Illyria stopped her mantra and continued to rock back and forth.

“Why do you continue to exist?  It is not possible.”  Illyria asked quietly.  The voice didn’t respond.  Slowly Illyria stopped her rocking and stood up and went into the bathroom.  She turned on the water and watched it go down the drain.  She watched it for a minute before looking back up into the mirror.  Her eyes widened as she saw the shell, of whose body she had stolen in order to live again.

“Don’t be afraid.  Just ask what you hear in your heart.”  Fred said as Illyria looked back at the reflection as a tear rolled down her cheek.

“Wesley, give me just…one moment more.”  Illyria said before falling to her knees and letting out a silent scream before blacking out.

“Dad!”  Connor yelled as he came in dropping about five duffle bags onto the floor.  Shrugging he began to walk towards the kitchen.  Halfway there he stopped at the sound of a muffled voice.  Turning back slowly he walked back towards the lobby.  He saw a young girl coming slowly down the stairs, gripping the rail for support.  As Connor neared her he could see that she was dripping sweat that had a green tint and she smelled familiar.

“Help me.”  Dawn rasped out as she closed her eyes and fell forward.  Moving quickly, much like Angel, Connor caught her in his arms before she hit the floor.  He turned her in his arms and looked at her face.

“Another Slayer?”  He said pulling her to his chest.

To be continued…

